Statistics indicate that only 5% of website traffic converts to a lead or contact.

See how companies turn the other 95% of anonymous traffic into engaged consumers.
Watch Video Learn how to get your first month free.

Companies and businesses spend a lot of money and effort on driving traffic to their websites.

  • There is a lot of expense in SEO, PPC and other forms of marketing to drive visitors to your website. 
  • The average cost-per-click in AdWords has tripled over the past few years
  •  Industry stats show that over 95% of that traffic never completes a lead form, a contact form, or sets an appointment. 
  • We can help you turn that anonymous website traffic into visible and engaged consumers! Having a solution that will allow you to turn that traffic into more marketable prospects is a game changer.

Start using SmartPiXL

SmartPiXL is placed in the header of your website to track all pages and capture anonymous visitor information that you can turn into actionable data!



The SmartPiXL is placed in the header of the website. This allows it to track all pages on that website.


Data is posted in real-time to the SmartPiXL CXP platform. Data can also be exported out of the platform to a standard Microsoft Excel comma separated value file.


The excel will include data such as pages visited on your website, name, email, address, marital status, gender, vehicle owned, etc as long as the data is available. Note that we do not append phone numbers for legal reasons. In some instances, you will see different record ID's but it ends up being the same person. This happens because we may have more than one device ID for a person or household or two people that use the same computer and email so you get data for both.

SmartPiXL data comes from all walks of life. Online data, offline data, transactional data, Real Property Records, Public records, Consumer data files, VIN data files, New Mover files, as well as affiliate data aggregators and more. When a user visits a site with SmartPiXL the pixl fires and a series of real-time queries occur. Data is returned from the queries, a fingerprint is build and a match process is run. While this sounds like a lot, it all happens in about 400 milliseconds (0.004 seconds).


There are 12 proprietary data points that have to be satisfied in order to make a match. IP address is also used as a 13th data point as a geography check. As for the accuracy of the email, there is no correct percentage of deliverable emails they see. They typically see 50%-75% of the emails as deliverable.


For matching, the answer is no. However, it is used for authentication. When geo locating an IP address the latitude and longitude returned will be a 0.43 mile radius that encompasses the actual location of the physical address  where that IP comes from. This is referred to as "the last half mile" within the telecommunications industry. After SmartPiXL's proprietary algorithms determine the true location of the consumer, a geography check is completed to ensure the user is within this 0.43 radius using the IP Addresses latitude and longitude coordinates. 

Learn how to get your FIRST month free.

Companies of all shapes and sizes are transforming they way they capture website traffic.

By using SmartPiXL, they're leveraging their marketing spends and gaining a competitive edge.

Fill out the form and talk to a SmartPiXL specialist to learn how to get your FIRST month free.
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